Tag Archives: Om Shanti Om

What I do when my husband is out of town

12 Jun

I miss him. He is, indeed, my soul mate. I miss him then some more. After moping around a while, I do stuff that I don’t do when he is around. No, it does not involve TV-repairmen (The Big Lebowski)  or plumbers. I know some of my family and friends are going to be shocked but its high time they found about these things. I am after all the “friday-release” girl.

These are my guilty pleasures.

  1. Take up all the bandwidth to watch all those youtube videos that I have been meaning to, with cute kids and animals in them – his WoW II be dam***!!
  2. Watch all sorts of rom-coms which would make my husband run screaming from our house or alternately, to him divorcing me
  3. Get a coffee buzz! Okay, I admit, I do this even when he is around – its not a big secret
  4. Loads of cookies. Although, now I have cut down on them – no, not to watch my weight (the kilos are difficult to hide from him when he gets back), they are simply not available in India, my favourite ones – Granola made by DeBeukelaer.
  5. Curd rice (the ultimate Tamil comfort food) and pickles and lick my fingers noisily. Its just not the same to eat curd rice with a fork and knife!
  6. Classical music of all kinds. Played loud. Husband is a big fan of Napalm Death and Anthrax – that says it all.
  7. Wii Ski-jump. I have been banned from putting up any high scores in this, by my family. They are jealous that I, who had not seen snow till I turned 24, can beat their superior German-backsides in this discipline
  8. Watch ‘Om Shanti Om‘ (abs) or ‘Jodha Akbar‘ (shoulders and biceps) – you know, it is important to have an exercise-regime, even if it only means watching some one else having great looking body-parts
  9. Watch Ryan Gosling in ‘The Notebook’ and cry
  10. Watch Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes and drool all over the couch*.

I am hungry.

I think now I shall go and have No. 5.

*I will have to remember to clean the couch as tears and drool do not dry so quickly during the monsoons.